First Aid For Your Braces

Conscientious brushing and flossing are important steps in making sure that your braces serve you well as long as you wear them. Normally, you should spend about two minutes brushing your teeth. With braces, you should take more time brushing, focusing on one or two teeth at a time. Using a water flosser or a floss threader with waxed dental... read more »

Brace Your Smile

If your teeth are crooked or if you have a misaligned bite, Dr. Liang and Dr. Liang may recommend braces in Potomac, Maryland. An orthodontic exam will be performed and our orthodontists will take impressions of your teeth, take photos of your teeth and face, and take X-rays of your mouth and head. Your treatment plan will be formed based... read more »

Orthodontic Was Is a Handy Tool to Help Your Time in Braces Pass Smoothly

Do you know how to utilize orthodontic wax to help your time in braces pass more smoothly? It might seem self-explanatory, but some people aren’t sure how to take advantage of this handy tool. If you are one of these people, our Liang Orthodontics orthodontic team is happy to help you! When placing your orthodontic wax, please follow these guidelines: Wash... read more »