The Many Varieties of Dental Braces You can Choose From

When you think of the dentist, the first thing that pops into your mind probably isn’t braces, yet it is one of the most common treatments people see the dentist for. They can be life changing for someone who has crooked teeth and is embarrassed, or even for kids who can’t eat correctly because of how their mouth formed. Dental... read more »

Understanding the Different Types of Braces to Realign Your Child’s Teeth

Alignment issues, over crowded teeth and under or overbite issues can all be remedied by having a Liang Orthodontics orthodontist install braces in your child’s mouth. There are a few different variations available. They are all based on the same set of principles, where gradual tension adjustments will stretch the periodontal ligaments to move your son or daughter’s teeth into... read more »