A soon as you get your braces on, you will probably start counting down the days until they come off. And who could blame you? Sooner or later, that big day will arrive, and you will be ready to show the world your brand new smile. Having your braces removed is not painful and will take around 30 minutes. You... read more »
If your teeth are crooked or if you have a misaligned bite, Dr. Liang and Dr. Liang may recommend braces in Potomac, Maryland. An orthodontic exam will be performed and our orthodontists will take impressions of your teeth, take photos of your teeth and face, and take X-rays of your mouth and head. Your treatment plan will be formed based... read more »
Do you want to have a positive and successful orthodontic experience? If so, then you need to treat your braces right. If you treat them right, you will develop a positive relationship with them and then they will return the favor and treat you right. There are many things you can do to improve your relationship with your braces in... read more »